Head Coach
Phone #:
Raceland High School

Coach Salmons is entering his 10th season as head coach at Raceland. he has been at Raceland for 17 seasons in all, serving as offensive coordinator before being named head coach. Coach Salmons' entire coaching career has been spent at Raceland.
Coach Salmons is a 1999 graduate of Raceland High School where he was a 3-sport athlete. As a senior, he was EKC football Player of the the Year and All-Area in football and baseball. He rushed for 62 career touchdowns in the Raceland hard-nosed wishbone attack in the 1980's and 1990's. Coach Salmons continued his career at Thomas More College, where he was a 4-year letter winner and an AFCA All-American in 2000 at defensive tackle. He was elected team captain in 2002 and graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Coach Salmons then attended Morehead State University to complete his teacher certification for secondary education in business and mathematics. Coach Salmons is entering his 18th year in the teaching profession.
Coach Salmons, his wife Carrie and son Jake (13) live near Ram Stadium in Raceland, KY.